Here is the promised photo of Ponce's Lighthouse. The reason I waited to post it is we saw it up close and personal during our day in Daytona, but got this view of it from across the inlet after a morning cycle off that barrier island, south on Route 1 and then back over a causeway onto another barrier island. Talk about taking the long way!
We cannot reiterate enough how great it is to be able to catch up with friends on this journey of ours! John and Liz both took time off of work and drove from Winter Park to the beach (NSB)to meet us at their family's ocean side home. Liz is a lifelong friend from Hamilton freshman year. She and John have three terrific teenagers who unfortunately could not join the fun because they had school to attend and band practice and lessons etc. Ah, I remember those days! John took us on a wonderful all day boat trip throughout the waters of the Inter coastal showing us their favorite fishing and camping spots. We had lunch at an old fishing camp turned restaurant and saw Flip Pallot and his film crew dining there. I guess he has a fishing show on cable which I want to check out. Dinner was at a Spanish Tapas eatery on the island which was fabulous. Between the four of us we tried an entire snapper fish, tostones, empanadas and more foie gras. And I thought we were going to lose weight!
Liz saw us off in the morning as John had to leave even earlier to get the kids' day started. Thanks so much you two for a great time!! Our ride to Melbourne (MLB) was quite long...80 miles, but we are getting the hang of this and time flew by. One particular encounter brightened our ride. We stopped for a midmorning coffee and sweet treat in Titusville. No sooner had we settled in than a very well spoken, handsome 81 year old gentleman joined us. He was curious to learn where we had been and where we were headed. He has children and grandchildren all over the US and offered stories and suggestions for any future trips we may take. He thanked us for indulging him and went on his way as did we, but it was so nice to just spend some time together. A little further on down the route, which by the way was almost all waterside, we came across this old sailing boat which is reminiscent of the Hesper and the Luther Little, although a much smaller version. These two vessels used to reside in Wiscasset, Maine but have now rotted away to nothing. Late afternoon brought us to the home (but only for 1 more week!) of Cathy and Steve Olney. Cathy is a childhood friend from Rome and is the mother of Stefan (remember him from Savannah?!) We got to visit these two a couple years ago when they lived on Tybee Island and are excited that they will be moving back to Rome soon. Boy were we ever treated royally. Steve, who is a retired firefighter and amazing chef, put together a delicious meal of steaks and scallops over vermicelli and lemon meringue pie for dessert. Heaven! Look for a television show he and a colleague are pitching called Heroes in the House. We saw the demo, and it is good! I can see it being picked up by the food network or the travel channel someday. The evening out on their patio was breezy and pleasant, and we wished it didn't have to end. Never fear, though. A mere few hours later we were being served homemade waffles and maple syrup by candlelight for breakfast. You guys are awesome! Thanks for taking us in on the eve of your move back to upstate NY.
Upon leaving Melbourne we had a reasonable ride of 50 or so miles to Fort Pierce. Today was sunny and nice...the temperatures have dipped to more Holly pleasing numbers! We met back up with Mom and Dad who have just spent three enjoyable days at Universal Studios. We are on the homestretch now...just one more week to the day till we arrive in Key west!!