On Saturday we headed out to Saratoga to spend the day with Joel Rhein. He had planned out a 30 mile training ride for us which included hills and views of the Hudson River. It was a hot one, 90 at least, but there was a slight breeze and the sun was shining brightly! The first 6 miles were fine (except for Joel's flat...that makes 5 so far!) and then came THE HILL. Since Joel Rhein has youth on his side and a sleek road bike to boot, he just flew up the steep and winding incline. Holly did not fare so well and Joel, being the good soul that he is, stayed back to help and encourage her to keep going for the top. Once we got there the downhill was a blast and the Hudson is truly beautiful. Luckily the route was a loop so we did not have to climb any more mountains, and we made it back to Joel Rhein's house by late afternoon...just in time for a cheese and cracker party with his housemate Julia. A delicious dinner at Dine was compliments of Joel Rhein in honor of Father's Day. Thank you again!!
As we spent our day on the roads in and around Saratoga, Paige and her two friends Madison and Sarah, were walking the beach in Emerald Isle, NC searching for signs of sea turtle nests (they all really wanted to be climbing those hills with us we know!) As luck would have it, they discovered one and contacted the proper people to report it. All 106 eggs had to be relocated to a safer spot on the beach. In addition to volunteering for the turtle watch, the girls are all working and enjoying their summer down south. We will be seeing them soon as we are heading down for th 4th of July!